
因應雙北地區5月15日至5月28日止為COVID-19疫情第三級警戒地區,為防範疫情擴大,提醒您應隨時注意自身健康情形,外出時應全程佩戴口罩、勤洗手、遵守適當社交距離,避免不必要的移動、活動或集會,也避免出入公共場所。 第三級警戒期間,外出時未全程佩戴口罩,處新臺幣3000元~1萬5000元。 第三級警戒期間,參與室內5人以上、室外10人以上聚會,處新臺幣6萬元~30萬元。 疑似有COVID-19症狀的移工朋友, 不可搭乘大眾交通工具至醫院就醫,可先撥打1955專線諮詢。 新北市政府勞工局關心您。 【英文】 To cope with Taipei City and New Taipei City raising epidemic warning to level 3 from May 15 to May 28 and preventing wide spread of COVID-19. We remind you to notice personal physical condition at any time, wear mask all the time when you are outside, wash hands frequently, keep social distance and avoid unnecessary movement, activities and crowed venues. Within the level 3 epidemic warning, those who do not wear mask in public may be fined up to 3000 to 15000 NTD. Within the level 3 epidemic warning, participation of the indoor activity that consist of more than 5 people or outdoor activity of more than 10 people may be fined up to 60000 to 300000 NTD. If the workers suspect they have the symptom of COVID-19, do not take the public transportation to hospital, please dial 1955 to inquire. New Taipei City Labor Affairs Department cares.
